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BS ISO 13041-1 pdf free download

BS ISO 13041-1-2020 pdf free download.Test conditions for numerically controlled turning machines and turning centres Part 1: Geometric tests for machines with horizontal workholding spindle(s).
4 Preliminary remarks
4.1 Measuring units
In this document, all linear dimensions, deviations and corresponding tolerances are expressed in millimetres; angular dimensions are expressed in degrees, and angular deviations and the corresponding tolerances are expressed in ratios but in some cases microradians or arcseconds may be used for clarification purposes. Formula (1) should be used for the conversion of the units of angular deviations or tolerances.
0,010 / 1 000 = 10 itrad 2 (1)
4.2 Reference to Iso 230
To apply this document, reference shall be made to ISO Z3O-l:ZUl, ISO 3U-1:2tJ15, wnen required, especially for the installation of the machine before testing, warming up of the spindle and other moving components, description of measuring methods and recommended accuracy of testing equipment.
Where the test concerned is in compliance with the specifications of ISO 230-1 and/or ISO 230-7, a reference to the corresponding clause of ISO 230-1, respectively ISO 230-7, is shown before the instructions in the Observations block of the tests described below. Tolerances are given for each test (see GI to G30).
4.3 Machine levelling
Prior to conducting tests on a machine tool, the machine tool should be levelled according to the recommendations of the supplier/manufacturer (see ISO 230-1:20 12, 6.1.1 and 6.1.2).
4.4 Testing sequence
The sequence in which the tests are presented in this document in no way defines the practical order of testing. In order to make the mounting of instruments or gauging easier, tests may be performed in any order.
4.5 Tests to be performed
When testing a machine, it is not always necessary or possible to carry out all the tests described in this document. When the tests are required for acceptance purposes, it is up to the user to choose, in agreement with the supplier/manufacturer, the relevant tests relating to the components and/or the properties of the machine. These tests are to be clearly stated when ordering a machine. A simple reference to this document for the acceptance tests, without specifying the tests to be carried out, and without agreement on the relevant expenses, cannot be considered as binding for any contracting party.
4.6 Measuring instruments
Measuring instruments indicated in Lhe tests described below are only examples. Other instruments capable of measuring the same quantities and having the same, or a smaller, measurement uncertainty may be used.
When a dial gauge is referred to, it can mean not only dial test indicators (DTI) but any type of linear displacement sensor such as analogue or digital dial gauges, linear variable differential transformer (LVDTs). linear scale displacement gauges, or non-contact sensors, when applicable to the test concerned.
Similarly, when a straightedge is referred to, it can mean any type of straightness reference metrological standard, such as a laser beam, special optics, a granite or ceramic or steel or cast iron straightedge. one arm of a square, one generating line on a cylindrical square, any straight path on a reference cube, or a special, dedicated artefact manufactured to fit in the T-slots or other references.
In the same way, when a square is mentioned, it can be any type of squareness reference artefact, such as a granite or ceramic or steel or cast-iron square, a cylindrical square, a reference cube, or a special dedicated artefact.
Valuable information for measuring instruments are available in ISO/TR 230-11.
4.7 Diagrams
In this document, for reasons of simplicity, the diagrams associated with geometric tests illustrate only one type of machine.
4.8 Linear motions
For simplicity, all the machine examples shown in the Figures and Tables use the axis designation of a letter and a number (e.g. Xl, X2) as defined In ISO 841:2001,6.1. In all examples, the use of the letters U, V, or W can be substituted.
4.9 Tool turret and tool spindle(s)
As defined in 3.2. turning centres have not only stationary tools but also power-driven rotary tools, which means that the turret should also have power drive mechanisms. When the number of tools expected to be used exceeds the capacity of the turret, an automatic change of tools in the turret, or a change of turret, may be provided.
Figure 3 shows typical types of tool turrets and tool spindles.
4.10 Machine classifications
The machine tools considered in this document are divided into two basic configurations (see Table 1.
Figure 1 and Figure 2):
— ‘Frpe A: Machine tools with tailstock;
— Type B: Machine tools without tailstock.
Type A-Machine tools can be generally classified into two further groups:
— Group A-i: With one turret;
— Group A-2: With two turrets.
NOTE There are machines with multiple turrets. Test described in this document apply to all turrets.BS ISO 13041-1 pdf download.

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