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BS EN 13629 pdf free download

BS EN 13629-2020 pdf free download.Wood flooring一Solid individual and pre-assembled hardwood boards. Squareness and other angular deviations
The deviation from all the 900 angles and from required angles for specific patterns shall not exceed 0,2 % measured across the width. Bow
Bow shall be evaluated taking into account the thickness, the length, the species and the method of laying.
If the elements are to be installed by gluing only, this shall be stated when ordering. For such elements, bow shall not exceed 0,5 % of the length at the time of the first delivery. Spring
Spring shall be evaluated taking into account the thickness, the length. the species and the method of laying.
For lengths not exceeding 1 m, spring shall not exceed 0,5 %o of the considered length at the time of the first delivery.
For lengths more than 1 m, spring shall not exceed 2 %o of the considered length at the time of the first delivery.
If the elements are to be installed by gluing only, this shall be stated when ordering. For such elements, spring shall not exceed 1 %o of the length at the time of the first delivery.
4.5.3 Machining
All pieces shall be accurately machined and shall be smoothly finished on the face on boards without surface treatment. Slightly torn grain or similar feature is admissible if it can readily be removed by the ordinary process of sanding the floor after it has been laid in preparation for finishing.
4.5.4 Profile
The element shall be precisely machined, properly sanded and shall have tongue and/or groove on all sides to make an effective laying possible.
4.6 Characteristics required when in service
4.6.1 General
Typical values for wood hardness shall be determined by the test detined in EN 1534. The laying instructions shall be supplied by the producer/supplier.
NOTE The elements specified in this document will be part of a total floor construction and can only meet the technical demands on the wood flooring when in service if specified and installed according to the laying instructions or usual specifications.
4.6.2 Species
Hardwood species shall be specified. A list of the most commonly used species (hardwood) is given in Annex A.
For appearance rules and natural colours, refer to 4.3.
NOTE Wood species exhibit natural colour and grain. Each species and consignment will have varied
decorative appearance according to the procurement area.
4.6.3 Renovation and repair
The solid element as described in this document shall be capable of undergoing renovation at least twice, if not subject to excessive wear and tear or ii renovation does not remove an excessive amount of wood.
The construction shall be such that the element shall be capable of being replaced.
5 Marking
Each package defined by the manufacturer at the time of the first delivery shall be clearly identified as follows:
— the type of product, and if applicable its trade name;
— the designation the appearance class (ii, 0, or appropriate designation for free class(es));
— the nominal length of the element, in millimetres and the number of elements; or
— if random, the mean length, in millimetres; or
— the total length, in metres; and
— the number of elements;
— the nominal width and commercial thickness, in millimetres;
— the laid measure in square metres;
— the trade name of the species;
— patterns, if applicable;
— when required, the durability class (according to EN 460) or preservative treatment (according to EN 351-1) against biodeterioration;
— indication of the laying mode;
— reference to this standard, EN 13629.BS EN 13629 pdf download.

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