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BS EN 1264-5 pdf free download

BS EN 1264-5-2021 pdf free download.Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems Part 5: Determination of the thermal output for wall and ceiling heating and for floor, wall and ciling cooling.
The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for surface embedded heating and cooling systems installed in buildings, residential and non-residential (e.g. office, public, commercial and industrial buildings) and focuses on systems installed for the purpose of thermal comfort.
The EN 1264 series gives guidelines for water based heating and cooling systems embedded into the enclosure surfaces of the room to be heated or to be cooled. It also specifies the use of other heating media instead of water, as appropriate.
The EN 1264 series specifies standardized product characteristics by calculation and testing the thermal output of heating for technical specifications and certification. For the design, construction and operation of these systems, see EN 1264-3 and EN 1264-4 for the types A, B, C, D, H, I and J. For the types E, F and G, see the EN ISO 11855 series.
The systems specified in the EN 1264 series are adjoined to the structural base of the enclosure surfaces of the building, mounted directly or with fixing supports. The EN 1264 series does not specify ceiling systems mounted in a suspended ceiling with a designed open air gap between the system and the building structure which allows the thermally induced circulation of the air. The thermal output of these systems can be determined according to the EN 14037 series and EN 14240.
EN 1264-5 specifies the recalculation of values determined in EN 1264-2 for the system in question. It enables the conversion of the calculation and measurement results of EN 1264-2 into results for other surface orientations in the room, i.e. for ceiling and wall heating, as well as for the application as cooling surfaces, i.e. for floor, ceiling and wall cooling. The test results of EN 1264-2 are the basis of all calculation, whether or not the system in question is used for heating or cooling application.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 1264-1, Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems — Part 1: Definitions and symbols
EN 1264-2:2021, Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems — Part 2: Floor heating:
Met hods for the determination of the thermal output using calculations and experimental tests
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 1264-1 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain term inological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https://www.iso.org/obp
— IEC Electropedla: available at https://www.electropedla.org/
4 Calculation method
The calculation method is based on the results obtained in EN 1264-2:2021. The method enables the conversion of these results into results for other surfaces in the room (ceiling and wall heating). The method is also applicable for all cooling surfaces (floor, ceiling, wall cooling). The change in the surface thermal resistance ORa = 0(1/a) influences the temperature field within the system in the same way as a change in the thermal resistance of the surface covering ORx.B. This is based on the assumptions that all other boundary conditions are unchanged and that in case of cooling the dew point is not reached.This leads to the Formula (1]).BS EN 1264-5 pdf download.

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