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BS ISO 2559 pdf free download

BS ISO 2559-2011 pdf free download.Textile glass – Mats (made from chopped or continuous strands) – Designation and basis for specifications.
4 Technical requirements
4.1 General
A given mat shall be designed so as to satisfy the requirements of one or several applications. Essentially, a specific mat is chosen so as to bring to the laminate its reinforcement properties under certain environmental conditions, which may range from a dry inert to a wet corrosive atmosphere.
The expected product performance properties are generally not guaranteed as such due to the difficulty in standardizing the conditions under which the mat is used (resin mix, cure system, laminate structure, glass/resin/filler ratio, etc.). For this reason, the mat will be characterized in the specification by other guaranteed properties which can be correlated with the desired practical laminating properties. The latter can be divided into characteristic, controlled and visual properties, as defined in Clause 3.
Where required, the controlled properties (measured parameters) may be stated on certificates of conformity or other quality control test reports.
The following is a proposed list of characteristic” and controlled properties with, when applicable, the relevant test method. The distinction between characteristic and controlled properties is indicative only. and may vary for different mat products.
The specification for a given mat shall include the relevant properties among those listed hereafter, with tolerances where applicable.
4.2 Characteristic properties
4.2.1 ResIn compatibility
The resin(s) recommended for use with the mat.
4.2.2 Glass type
The glass type as defined in ISO 2078.
4.2.3 Filament diameter
The average diameter of the filaments constituting the strands in the mat. If necessary, the average filament diameter may be determined in accordance with ISO 1888.
4.2.4 Strand linear density
It is not normally possible to determine the linear density of the strands in the mat since they might have been split and/or chopped during the production process. Therefore the figure quoted is usually that of the input strand, the linear density of which can only be determined by the mat manufacturer.
4.2.5 Strand length
The length of the strands, which may be either unchopped (continuous-filament mat) or chopped to a given length, with the possibility of a mix of different specified lengths (chopped-strand mat).
4.2.6 Size type
The type of size (essentially the type of coupling agent) used to coat the filaments.
4.2.7 BondIng system
The system used to bond the strands, which may be
— either of a chemical type. e.g. a liquid binder (emulsion) or a solid binder (powder),
— or of a mechanical type, with or without carrier (if a carrier is used, it shall be identified).
4.2.8 Width
The width of the mat, expressed in centimetres or millimetres. For mats with trimmed edges, the width may oe determined by the method given for woven fabrics in ISO 5025. For mats with untrimmed edges, the method given in Annex A may be used.
4.2.9 Edges
The nature of the edges of the mat, which may be
— either untrimmed (feathered) on one or both sides;
— or trimmed on both sides.
In the case of mats untrimmed along one or both edges, the width shall be measured between two points where the thickness of the mat does not visibly vary. For such mats, the tolerances on the width shall be agreed upon between the interested parties.
4.2.10 Length
The length of the material in a roll. The specification may allow the length to vary between rolls or to be fixed within agreed tolerances. Moreover, it is possible that a shipment incorporates incomplete rolls. The number, the mass or the minimum length of the incomplete rolls shall be specified.
4.2.11 Degree of solublilty of chopped-strand mat binder In styrene
The solubility of the mat binder in styrene shall be determined in accordance with ISO 2558. It is generally expressed as high (<60 s), medium (60 s to 200 s) or low (>200 s), depending on the result obtained using this method.
4.3 Controlled properties
4.3.1 Mass per unit area
The mass per unit area shall be determined in accordance with ISO 3374 and expressed in grams per square metre. This mass includes the glass strands, the size and the binder(s) plus any carrier present.
For each type of mat, the manufacturer shall give a nominal value of the mass per unit area and shall define the tolerances on the measured values, specifying if the tolerances apply to the average of the test specimens taken across the width of the mat or to each test specimen.
NOTE The most common nominal values are 300 g/m2, 375 g/m2, 450 g/m2 and 600 9/rn2.
4.3.2 Percentage combustible matter
The percentage of combustible matter shall be determined in accordance with ISO 1887. The combustible matter corresponds to the sum of the size applied to the filaments and the binder(s) applied to the strands. In the case of mats bonded mechanically with an organic-fibre carrier, the mass of the carrier would be included in the combustible-matter content.
The tolerances given in the specification shall be related to the average for test specimens taken across the width of the mat, unless otherwise agreed upon between purchaser and supplier.BS ISO 2559 pdf download.

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