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BS ISO 22341 pdf free download

BS ISO 22341:2021 pdf free download.Security and resilience一Protective security – Guidelines for crime prevention through environmental design.
5 Basics of CPTED
5.1 Key considerations of CPTED
The organization should:
— base its crime prevention and security strategies on understanding crime opportunities;
— identify the following four considerations at the beginning stage of a project:
— where: the exact location and the type of area;
— what: the crime problems occurring in the area now or in the future;
— who: the interested parties involved in the area;
— how: the treatment of crime and security risks (e.g. countermeasures) in an effective and efficient manner.
NOTE Annex A provides additional information on the key considerations of CPTED.
5.2 CPTED strategies
5.2.1 General
The organization should:
— understand that there are two different CPTED concepts:
— physical CPTED (or first generation CPTED) concept;
— social CPTED (or second generation CPTED) concept;
— consider physical CPTED strategies as well as social CPTED strategies.
The organization should consider the six strategies for physical CPTED:
— natural surveillance;
— natural access control;
— territorial reinforcement;
— image and management/mainteninci’:
— activity support;
— site hardening/target hardening.
The organization should consider the four strategies for social CPTED:
— socialcohesion;
— social connectivity;
— community culture;
— threshold capacity.
NOTE Annex B provides additional information about physical and social CPTED concepts and strategies.
The organization should consider three stages in order to use the physical and social CPTED strategies:
planning (see 52.2). design (see £.23). and site and social management (see 5.2.4).
Environmental planning and design stages are most relevant for proposed new areas and neighbourhoods. Management stages are more relevant in existing areas. Planning and design adaptations are relevant in existing areas to a certain degree, but the feasible adaptations are modest and small in existing areas compared to the designs for new areas.
The organization should:
— implement the CPTED strategies in order to coordinate its actions and measures;
— consider local context, cultural tradition and past experience for the actions and measures;
— select the measures in anticipation of their expected effectiveness in certain types of environ ments and against the prevailing types of crime.
Table 1 provides detailed information with examples on the CPTED strategies by stage.
5.2.2 CPTED strategies for planning stage
The organization should:
— choose the scale, function and blending of functions to provide an incentive for liveability, social control, involvement and sense of ownership for CPTED strategies in the planning stage;
— implement planning stage strategies to prevent the existing urban environment from being harmed and, in the case of an emerging threat such as a vehicle bomb threat flexibly adopt this strategy;
— create strategies for the conditions for the formation of social networks and making a new development part of the existing surrounding urban environment as much as possible;
— minimize isolated places and avoid blind/entrapment spots of buildings and planted areas that have low visibility from nearby.
The organization should:
— consider the social structure, such as socio-economic and demographic characters of a site in order to reflect its specific context;
— enhance the vitality of public space for the site by considering active land use, density and (human) scale;
— consider properly connected street segments and integrated land uses (rather than disconnected and segregated patterns);
— consider cautious ecological placement of green spaces and parks for an area;
— consider cautious placement of lighting and, if necessary, security cameras for an area;
— consider anti-terrorism building and landscape planning for particular target sites;
— consider the security and crime prevention of the construction site against attacks (e.g. the misuse of land and building for grouping of offenders, drug trafficking or stolen goods, prostitution, theft of tools, material and building machines, trucks.) during the CPTED planning stage as construction development often lasts for a few years until building completion.
NOTE Table 1 provides additional and detailed information with examples on CPTED strategies for the planning stage.
5.2.3 CPTED strategies for design stage
The organization should:
— evaluate the external and internal situational context of CPTED-related risks;
— understand what factors significantly influence the risk and the effectiveness of countermeasures.BS ISO 22341 pdf download.

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