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BS ISO 17340 pdf free download

BS ISO 17340-2014 pdf free download.Metallic materials – Ductility testing – High speed compression test for porous and cellular metals.
5.2.5 Displacement sensor
The displacement sensor shall be capable of measuring the travel of a drop weight during tests and shall be of a non-contact type to avoid inertia effects.
The response speed of the displacement sensor shall be higher than the test speed. Measurement with laser-type displacement sensors, optical displacement sensors, etc. with high accuracy is recommended.
5.2.6 Absorber
The absorber shall he capable of stopping the weight and preventing it from damaging the load cell after compressing the test piece to the specified height.
5.3 Servo-type high-speed compression testing machine
5.3.1 General
Among servo-type high-speed compression testing machines, the basic composition of the servo- hydraulic-type high-speed compression testing machine is shown in Figure 2.
The servo-type high-speed compression testing machine consists of a pressing jig, load cell, displacement sensor, rupture pin, and stopper, as described below.
5.3.2 Pressing jig
The pressing jig shall he the same as described in
5.3.3 Load cell
The load cell shall be the same as described in 5.2.4.
5.3.4 Displacement sensor
The displacement sensor shall be the same as described in 525.
5.3.5 Rupture pin
The rupture pin is a test force transmission part provided to protect the load cell and the pressing jig from damage resulting from excessively large compressive forces.
The material and the size of the rupture pin shall be capable of resisting the required test force adequately and of breaking, without large plastic deformation, below the load capacity of the load cell and the pressing jig.
5.3.6 Stopper
The stopper shall be provided between pressing jigs and shall be capable of stopping the movement of
the pressing jigs after having deformed the test piece to the specified height.
6 Test piece
6.1 Preparation of test piece
The test piece shall be prepared by machining, electro-discharge machining, etc., as specified in ISO 13314.
Cutting into test pieces shall be executed with the utmost care so as not to alter the cellular structure or pore shape of the porous and cellular metals.
6.2 Shape and dimensions of the test piece
The shape and dimensions of the test piece shall be as described below.
a) The shape of the test piece shall be a square prism, a rectangular prism, or a column.
b) The length of the shorter side or diameter of the test piece shall be no less than 10 times the average pore size.
c The average pore size shall be measured in the cut section.
d) The initial height of the test piece, Ho, shall be between one and two times the diameter or length of the shorter side of the test piece. In the case of the drop weight impact test, however, the initial height of the test piece shall be more than two times the test piece height, H1, at a time when the weight contacts the absorber, as shown in Figure 3.
e) The shape and size of the test piece used for the preliminary test of the drop weight impact test shall be as specified in ISO 13314 regardless of items a] to d) above.
7 Drop weight impact test
7.1 Preparation
The drop weight impact test shall be prepared as follows.
a) Preliminary test
For the preliminary test, the compression test in accordance with ISO 13314 shall be executed using a test piece of the same material, so as to determine the mass of the weight before starting the main test.
The preliminary test shall be made once or more to measure the energy absorption up to 50 % of compressive strain.
b) Setting the drop height.BS ISO 17340 pdf download.

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