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BS 7858 pdf free download

BS 7858-2019 pdf free download.Screening of individuals working in a secure environment – Code of practice.
This British Standard gives recommendations for the screening of individuals working in a secure environment where the security and/or safety of people, goods and services, data or property is a requirement of the employing organization’s operations and/or where such screening is in the public interest. NOTE 1“”Property” includes intellectual and physical property as well as cash and valuables. NOTE2 Some insurers require BS 7858 as a part of the policy conditions and have additional requirements for screening, e.g. a longer screening period. This British Standard applies equally to all individuals in relevant employment, including full-time and part-time employees, sole traders, partnerships, temporary and permanent employees, and to all levels of seniority, including directors. The objective of screening is to obtain sufficient information to enable organizations to make an informed decision on employing an individual in a secure environment. This British Standard does not cover the other elements of recruitment and selection that take place when employing people. It is assumed that screening would be an additional process added to existing recruitment and selection processes, for example this British Standard does not cover the application process, right to work status or specific competency in the job role. 2 Normative references There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this British Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 ancillary staff individual(s) involved in support activities NOTE Examples of support activities include administration, personnel, building maintenance and cleaning.
3.2 conditional employment period after limited screening has been completed and employment has commenced ahead of the completion of full screening NOTE Successful completion of screening is one criterion upon which the decision to grant confirmed employment is based. 3.3 confirmed employment employment granted upon successful completion of full screening and any additional criteria applied by the organization 3.4 individual person to whom screening applies NOTE An individual might be new to the organization or an existing employee transferring roles within the organization. 3.5 limited screening along with information required and preliminary checks, the minimum amount of screening necessary to be completed satisfactorily before an offer of conditional employment can be made 3.6 organization person or group of people that has its own functions with responsibilities, authorities and relationships to achieve its objectives NOTE The concept of organization includes, but is not limited to sole-trader,; company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority, partnership, charity or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated or not, public or private. 3.7 outsource arrangement where an external organization performs part of an organization’s function or process 3.8 process set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs 3.9 relevant employment employment which involves, or can involve, the acquisition of, or access to, data, information, assets or equipment, the improper use of which could involve the organization, any client of the organization, or any third party, in a security risk NOTE The definition applies to individuals rrespective of whether they are engaged fll-time or part-time, on a permanent or temporary basis, and/or employed directly or as subcontractors.BS 7858 pdf download.

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