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BS IEC 62047-34 pdf free download

BS IEC 62047-34-2019 pdf free download.Semiconductor devices – Micro- electromechanical devices Part 34: Test methods for MEMS piezoresistive pressure-sensitive device on wafer.
4 Test conditions
4.1 Atmospheric conditions
The measurement of characteristics shall be carried out under the following atmospheric conditions unless otherwise specified.
a) Standard atmospheric conditions
Temperature range: 1 5 °C to 35 °C; Relative humidity range: 20 % to 80 %; Atmospheric pressure range: 86 kPa to 1 06 kPa.
b) Standard reference atmospheric conditions
Temperature: 20 °C;
Relative humidity: 65 %;
Atmospheric pressure: 1 01 ,3 kPa.
The standard reference atmospheric conditions are corrected values derived from testing values under any other atmospheric conditions. In most circumstances, temperature and atmospheric pressure are the only factors to be considered.
4.2 Electromagnetic conditions
No other external magnetic field should exist in the testing environment except geomagnetic field. The specific requirements should be in accordance with the device technical conditions.
4.3 Vibration conditions
No mechanical vibration should exist in the testing environment. The specific requirements should be in accordance with the device technical conditions.
4.4 Test system
The test system consists of probe station, pressure control device, heating and cooling system, excitation power supply, as well as reading and recording device. The tolerance errors of the test system are listed below.
a) The absolute value of the intrinsic error of pressure control device should be under 1 /3 of the intrinsic error bound of the pressure-sensitive device.
b) The temperature measurement accuracy of heating and cooling system should be ±2 °C around the preset temperature.
c) The fluctuation of excitation power supply should be under 1 /5 of the intrinsic error bound of the pressure-sensitive device.
d) The absolute value of the intrinsic error of the reading and recording device should be under 1 /5 of the intrinsic error bound of the pressure-sensitive device.
5 General provisions
5.1 Certificate documents
The verification certificates of instrument and meter issued by metrological verification institutions should be required and valid.
5.2 Placement and preheating time
The instrument and meter should be powered on for preheating before the test. The preheating time should be in accordance with the operation manual.
5.3 Connection
The test system is built according to its spool drawing and circuit diagram.
6 Test items and methods
6.1 Test preparation
The resistance test system of the probe station should be calibrated using standard resistance substrate. Build the test system according to 5.3. Fix the wafer on the probe station and the probe (or probe card) should be in the same horizontal plane. Adjust the height of the wafer supporting stage and the scanning horizontal line to insure reliable connection between the wafer pins and the probes during testing. Set the parameters of the system.
6.2 Resistance
6.2.1 Purpose
To measure the resistance value of the pressure-sensitive device.
6.2.2 Test methods
Connect the pressure-sensitive device pins with the reading and recording device through probes complying with the general provisions set out in 5.1 to 5.3 and the test preparation described in 6.1 .
a) Closed loop piezoresistive pressure-sensitive device
For closed loop bridge shown in Figure 1 , measure the resistance between pin 1 and pin 3, as well as the resistance between pin 2 and pin 4.
6.3 Static performances
6.3.1 Purpose
To measure the static performances of the device.
6.3.2 Test items
The test items are the following:
a) zero output;
b) output under normal pressure;
c) full-scale span output;
d) nonlinearity;
e) hysteresis;
f) repeatability;
g) accuracy;
h) sensitivity;BS IEC 62047-34 pdf download.

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