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BS EN ISO 20074 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 20074-2019 pdf free download.Petroleum and natural gas industry — Pipeline transportation systems — Geological hazards risk management for onshore pipeline.
4 Pipeline geohazard risk management program
4.1 Key principles A PGMP is a set of practices and procedures used to systematically identify, evaluate, and manage geohazards for the purposes of reducing the risk of damage to a pipeline system to an acceptable level. A PGMP is operated for the entire lifespan of the pipeline from conception and design, to construction, operation, and until the pipeline system is decommissioned. Thus, the PGMP should be designed and implemented in such a way that critical information will be maintained and accessible for the lifetime of the pipeline. Because a variety of different groups participate in the design, construction and operation of a pipeline, overall ownership of the PGMP rests with the operator. The operator shall designate an individual or organization (the “PGMP team”) to administer the PGMP during and between the different phases. The PGMP team may be the operator’s personnel or a qualified third party entrusted by the operator. In case of replacement of one organization by another, a proper handover of geohazard risk management duties shall be ensured. When the geohazard risk management is assigned to a third party, the operator shall be continuously and intimately engaged with the third party to ensure that the interests and needs of the operator and all stakeholders are being adequately addressed and protected. It is recommended that geohazard risk management throughout the life of a pipeline be carried out by the same organization, which can be either an operator, or a third party entrusted by them. Dynamic management of pipeline geohazards is required and newly identified geohazards may be included in said management. Geohazards included in dynamic management are referred to as risk management objects. Where a PGMP is needed, operators shall establish and maintain a PGMP for the life of the asset. Operator shall update the PGMP during the life of the asset as and when conditions warrant. All work associated with the geohazard risk identification, assessment and mitigation of the pipeline shall be carried out by qualified personnel. SMEs shall be consulted as necessary throughout all stages and phases of the pipeline lifecycle. PGMP activities shall be documented. Geohazards might change over time, and changes in the PGMP shall be documented over time, to ensure that the most current data and assessments are identified. Out-of-date assessments may be archived.
4.2 Requirements for a PGMP The PGMP informs an operator of how to design, construct and operate the pipeline in a safe, environmentally responsible and reliable manner. The PGMP covers the phases of preliminary engineering and route selection, detailed design, construction, as well as operation and maintenance. It is recommended to conduct geohazard risk management as a discrete element of the pipeline design phase, beginning in the earliest phases of design. Geohazard risks to a pipeline, and thus the need and scope of a PGMP, varies from pipeline to pipeline, due to a number of natural and human-induced factors. Geohazard risk might be higher for pipelines operated in areas of
a) steep terrain,
b) active tectonics,
c) high precipitation,
d) soluble bedrock,
e) high seismicity,
f) geologically young terrain,
g) significant natural resource exploitation/extraction,
h) landslide prone geology,
i) volcanism,
j) active shallow mining,
k) significant river crossings, and
l) geothermal variability such as permafrost.BS EN ISO 20074 pdf download.

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