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BS EN ISO 9809-3 pdf free download

BS EN ISO 9809-3-2019 pdf free download.Gas cylinders — Design, construction and testing of refillable seamless steel gas cylinders and tubes Part 3: Normalized steel cylinders and tubes.
5 Inspection and testing Assessment of conformity to this international standard shall take into account the applicable regulations of the countries of use. To ensure that cylinders conform to this document, they shall be subject to inspection and testing in accordance with Clauses 9, 10 and 11. Tests and examinations performed to demonstrate compliance with this document shall be conducted using instruments calibrated before being put into service and thereafter according to an established programme.
6 Materials
6.1 General requirements
6.1.1 Materials for the manufacture of normalized or normalized and tempered gas cylinders shall be those generically classified as carbon-steels or carbon-manganese steels. The maximum actual tensile strength, R ma , for cylinders made from those steels shall not exceed 800 MPa. Other steels specified in ISO 9809‑1 or ISO 9809‑2 for quenched and tempered cylinders may be used and subjected to normalizing and tempering as specified in 6.3 provided that they additionally pass the impact test requirements given in ISO 9809‑1, and the maximum actual tensile strength, R ma , does not exceed 950 MPa. The steel used shall fall within one of the following categories: a) internationally recognized cylinder steels; b) nationally recognized cylinder steels; c) new cylinder steels resulting from technical progress.
6.1.2 The material used for the manufacture of gas cylinders shall be steel, other than rimming quality, with non‑ageing properties and shall be fully killed with aluminium and/or silicon. If only aluminium is used for killing, the metallic aluminium content shall be at least 0,015 %. Where examination of this non‑ageing property is required by the customer, the criteria by which it is to be specified should be agreed with the customer and inserted in the order.
6.1.3 The cylinder manufacturer shall establish means to identify the cylinders with the cast of steel from which they are made.
6.1.4 Grades of steel used for cylinder manufacture shall be compatible with the intended gas service, e.g. corrosive gases, embrittling gases (see ISO 11114‑1 and ISO 11114‑4).
6.1.5 Wherever continuously cast billet material is used, the manufacturer shall ensure that there are no deleterious imperfections (porosity) in the material to be used for making cylinders (see 9.2.4).
6.2 Controls on chemical composition
6.2.1 The chemical composition of all steels shall be defined at least by:
— the carbon, manganese and silicon contents in all cases;
— the chromium, nickel and molybdenum contents or other alloying elements intentionally added to the steel;
— the maximum sulfur and phosphorus contents in all cases.
The carbon, manganese and silicon contents shall be given, with tolerances, such that the differences between the maximum and minimum values of the cast do not exceed the values shown in Table 1.
The actual content of any element deliberately added shall be reported and their maximum content shall be representative of good steel making practice.
6.2.2 Except for steels conforming to ISO 9809‑1 or ISO 9809‑2, the limits on carbon, manganese and other alloying elements, given in Table 2, shall not be exceeded in the cast analysis of material used.
6.2.3 The limits on sulfur and phosphorus, given in Table 3, shall not be exceeded in the cast analysis of material used.BS EN ISO 9809-3 pdf download.

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