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BS ISO 22459 pdf free download

BS ISO 22459-2020 pdf free download.Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) — Reinforcement of ceramic composites — Determination of distribution of tensile strength and tensile strain to failure of filaments within a multifilament tow at ambient temperature.
4 Principle A multifilament tow is loaded in tension at a constant displacement rate up to rupture of all the filaments in the tow. The force and displacement are measured and recorded. From the force-displacement curve the two-parameter Weibull distribution of the rupture strain and of the strength of the filaments is obtained by sampling the nonlinear parts of the curve at discrete intervals, j, which correspond to an increasing number of failed filaments in the tow. 5 Significance and use Because measurement of the displacement directly on the tow is difficult, it is usually obtained indirectly via a compliance measurement which includes contributions of the loading train, the grips and the tabbing materials. These contributions have to be corrected for in the analysis. When it is possible to measure the tow elongation directly (by using a suitable extensometer system) this correction is not needed. The calculation of the results in Clause 10 also applies in this case by setting the load train compliance equal to zero. The evaluation method is based on an analysis of the nonlinear domain of the force-displacement curve, which is caused by progressive filament failure during the test. The size of this domain is promoted by higher stiffness of the loading and gripping system. When the force-displacement curve does not show this nonlinear domain, the evaluation method of this document cannot be applied. The distribution of filament rupture strains does not depend on the initial number of filaments for those tows that contain a large number of filaments; hence, it is not affected by the number of filaments which are broken before the test, provided this number remains limited. The determination of the filament strength distribution requires knowledge of the initial cross-sectional area of the tow. The variation in filament diameters, which affects the strength values, is not accounted for. The Weibull parameters determined by this test method and extrapolated to the respective gauge length cannot be compared directly with those obtained from tensile tests on monofilaments according to ISO 19630 because of variability in test conditions [1] . 6 Apparatus 6.1 Tensile testing equipment The test machine shall be equipped with a system for measuring the force applied to the specimen and the displacement, or directly the tow elongation. The machine shall conform to grade 1 or better in ISO 7500-1. The grips shall align the specimen with the direction of the force. Slipping of the specimen in the grips shall be prevented. NOTE The use of a displacement transducer placed at the ends of the grips [5][6] (see Figure 1) or on the tow itself [4][5][6] will probably limit the contribution of different parts of the load train to the measured displacement, and hence increase the accuracy.
6.2 Data recording A calibrated recorder shall be used to record force-displacement curves. The use of a digital data recording system is recommended. 7 Test specimen 7.1 General Specimens with a gauge length of 200 mm shall be used to establish the filament strength and filament rupture strain distributions. Specimens with gauge lengths of 100 mm and 300 mm shall be used to determine the load train compliance. Examples of two types of test specimen are given below. 7.2 Window type specimen A window type specimen is shown in Figure 2. A stretched tow is fixed between two identical plates of material, each containing a central window. When the displacement is not measured directly on the tow, the height of the window defines the gauge length. NOTE This type of specimen has the advantage of easy handling.BS ISO 22459 pdf download.

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