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BS 6850 pdf free download

BS 6850-2002 pdf free download.Gas powered ventilatory resuscitators.
This British Standard specifies performance and safety requirements for gas-powered ventilatory resuscitators (hereinafter referred to as resuscitators) intended for use with patients of any body mass. Requirements are also included for equipment essential for the use of a resuscitator as a self-contained piece of portable equipment, e.g. a gas supply system and carrying case. It applies to resuscitators intended for use by paramedical and medical personnel and also for emergency use by personnel with very limited training. They may be used at the scene of emergencies both inside and outside hospitals or during patient transport. No requirements are included for face masks although recommendations for these are given in Annex A. Operator-powered resuscitators, electrically-powered resuscitators, automatic pressure-cycled gas-powered resuscitators, devices which have been designed only to deliver gases to a patient breathing adequately, or devices which are designed to assist or provide for the ventilation of a patient for an extended period of time are outside the scope of this standard. The effective and safe use of a ventilatory resuscitator is determined not only by the performance of the resuscitator, but also by the skill of the operator. This standard does not describe the content of the training programmes to develop such skill and does not state who should or should not use a resuscitator; this will be determined by the organizations involved in teaching resuscitation. Ventilatory resuscitators complying with the requirements of this standard are suitable for use with closed-chest cardiac compression. Currently available automatic pressure-cycled gas-powered resuscitators are not considered suitable for such use because the increased intrathoracic pressure occurring during chest compression causes the resuscitator to cycle from the inspiratory mode to the expiratory mode prior to adequate ventilation of the lungs. These resuscitators have therefore been excluded from the scope of this standard. Ventilatory resuscitators are used in widely varying environments and additional requirements may be necessary in certain situations, e.g. in mine rescue work, where a flammable or toxic atmosphere may be present, or where a dusty environment may occur.
2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensible for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. BS 1752, Specification for laboratory sintered or fritted filters including porosity grading. BS 5682, Specification for probes (quick connectors) for use with medical gas pipeline systems. BS EN 285, Sterilization — Steam sterilizers — Large sterilizers. BS EN 850, Transportable gas cylinders — Pin-index, yoke-type valve outlet connections for medical use. BS EN 1281-1, Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment — Conical connectors — Part 1: Cones and sockets.
3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this British Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 resuscitator self-contained portable device, intended for use in emergency situations to provide lung ventilation to individuals whose breathing appears to be inadequate 3.2 gas-powered resuscitator resuscitator which produces inflation of the lungs by the energy of compressed gas 3.3 automatic resuscitator resuscitator from which the flow of gas for repeated inflations of the lungs is independent of any repetitive action by the operator 3.4 compliance volume of gas at ambient atmospheric pressure that has to be added to an enclosed space to produce a unit increase in pressure 3.5 resistance pressure drop per unit of flow at a specified flow 3.6 tidal volume volume of gas entering or leaving a patient or test lung during the inspiratory or expiratory phase 3.7 minute volume volume of gas entering or leaving the patient or test lung in 1 min 3.8 frequency number of breaths per minute 3.9 airway pressure pressure measured at the patient connection port 3.10 pressure-limiting system mechanism for limiting the maximum pressure that can be generated by the resuscitator at its patient connection port 3.11 patient connection port opening at the patient end of the resuscitator which is connected either to a face mask or to a tracheal tube connector 3.12 exhaust port opening through which exhaled gases pass to atmosphere 3.13 demand valve device that delivers a flow of gas which is related to a reduction in downstream pressure and that terminates flow when that pressure equals atmospheric pressure or a preset pressure.BS 6850 pdf download.

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