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BS 7872 pdf free download

BS 7872-2002 pdf free download.Manned security services — Cash-in-transit services (collection and delivery) Code of practice.
5 Operations
5.1 Surveys and risk assessments Prior to, or at the commencement of a contract, a survey and risk assessment of the customer’s premises and immediate vicinity should be carried out by a trained and/or suitably experienced individuals. The documentation used for this purpose should be in line with any current legislation and include, among other things, vehicle parking, access to the premises, and the presence of the public at or en route to the collection/delivery points. A revised survey and risk assessment should be carried out when major changes to the premises or service are made. The customer should be briefed in the companies operating, security and service procedures. Any abnormal or site specific risks that are not covered by standard company procedures should be effectively communicated to the crew members.
5.2 Contracts 5.2.1 A clear written contract between the company and its customer should be drawn up and signed by both parties. The contract should give the terms and conditions on which work is to be undertaken and should indicate the insured liabilities of the company, which should not be unlimited other than required by law. 5.2.2 The contract should normally be agreed and exchanged before work commences, or, in urgent cases, as soon as is practicable thereafter. 5.2.3 Copies of all contracts should be kept. 5.2.4 Information received whilst tendering for any contract should be kept permanently confidential. Agreements entered into later should not override this obligation. 5.2.5 Any alteration to the contract which results in a change of operational requirements should be endorsed by the company and the customer.
5.3 Service schedule 5.3.1 In consultation with the customer, the company should formulate a schedule of operational instructions for the cash-transit-service. 5.3.2 CIT staff should be familiar with the service schedule and the operational practices.
5.4 Control 5.4.1 A procedure should be set up to provide or procure assistance and advice for CIT crews. 5.4.2 Cash-carrying vehicles should be equipped with telephone, radio or another appropriate communication system. Procedures should be in place to allow regular checks of essential communications equipment. 5.5 Equipment Equipment used in connection with CIT operations should be fit for the purpose and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Procedures should be in place to allow regular checks of essential equipment.
6 Staff
6.1 Selection and vetting 6.1.1 The company should make full pre-employment enquiries to ensure that only suitably qualified persons are recruited. The selection procedure should be designed to assess the following: a) physical ability; b) mental ability; c) literacy and verbal communication; d) personal documentation – birth certificate, driving licence, passport, service records, etc. The selection and vetting should include a personal interview. 6.1.2 All personnel involved in security duties, or having access to details of security duties, should be vetted for a minimum of 10 years in accordance with BS 7858. 6.1.3 Where employment is on an occasional or part-time basis, pre-employment checks should be of no lesser standard than the procedures adopted in respect of full-time employees. 6.1.4 A person who is subject to work permit controls should be required to produce, at the personal interview, a valid current work permit, and a record of this should be entered on their file. 6.1.5 Persons employed for CIT duties should not be less than 18 or more than 65 years of age.
6.2 Terms of employment 6.2.1 All employees should receive a clear, concise and unambiguous contract of employment. NOTE Attention is drawn to the provisions of the Employment Protection Act (1975) [2]. 6.2.2 Employees should not be required to work abnormally long hours to the detriment of health and efficiency. NOTE Attention is drawn to the provisions of The Transport Act (1968) [6]. 6.2.3 Employees should be required to maintain proper standards of appearance whilst at work. 6.2.4 Employees should be advised that any breach of company security procedures would be regarded as a breach of their terms and conditions of employment. 6.2.5 Employees should be required to sign for all personally issued equipment and uniform and to give an undertaking to return this on termination of their employment. 6.2.6 The company should make provision for compensation of employees injured in a criminal attack in the course of their duties.
6.3 Identification 6.3.1 All employees should be issued with a photographic identity card confirming their employment with that company. They should be instructed to carry this card at all times while on duty.BS 7872 pdf download.

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